Friday, March 13, 2009

Caught wet handed

Yesterday I noticed Levi was wet. His sleeves were wet and his pants were wet. I asked the kids if they knew why he was wet and Sadie said he was playing in the toilet. I have never had a kid play in the toilet (though I am sure it is about my turn) and didn't really believe it coming from Sadie.

But today, he was caught in the act. The funny thing is that he even had the toilet brush in the toilet and was scrubbing away. I wish I had gotten a picture of my little helper!


  1. That's awesome! Way to start them young!

  2. I bet he could handle a mop too!

  3. Hey Amy, that's great and gross at the same time! But what are you going to do? I've tracked you down on the web and am now following your blog. Check out my blog too at
    Melanie (Hill) Griffin.

  4. Hi you guys! I just found your blog. And I love seeing how big your kids are getting! I hope you are well. I miss you guys.
